Childhood Friends

Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my chair watching some videos on my phone, suddenly my phone rang. I saw my friend who live in my building was calling me. I picked up my phone, he asked me ,''where are you ? come on the street now!.'' Suddenly I remembered that it was Thursday. He was calling me to play cricket . I went to the street and saw all of my friend were waiting for me. After beginning the game, my evening become so joyful and energetic . Every Thursday and Friday, me and my friends play cricket in the street. In Dhaka, playground is a rear place . So we play games in our street. We have a group of nine members . All of us are same aged. We become friends when we were seven or eight years old. From that time to now on , we spend every occasion together . In my live, I have made a lot of friends but the friendship with these nine are precious. 

  In 2010, I got shifted from Sylhet to Dhaka .  My father was working in a multinational company so when he got the transfer order we all have to shift here. Before this transfer , I got admitted in a school and made some new friends. So I was having a fun time in Sylhet . But after shifting in Dhaka , everything was new for me.  I didn't know anyone here and I hadn't have any friends in Dhaka. So after few months I felt so alone . Like I said before , in Dhaka playground is a rear place . So I could not do any kind of fun activities outside my house. So every evening I used to walk in the street with my uncle . One evening I saw some guys playing cricket in the street .  I didn't know any of them. My uncle told me to go their and play with them. But in real life, I am very shy kind of a person. So I feel hesitated to go their and talk to them . But my uncle encouraged me a lot .  Then I gather all my confidence and went their to talk with them. Surprisingly, when they saw me coming , they approached to me at first and asked my name . These guys were awesome and so much friendly. It didn't take any time to become friends with them. From that time to now on we are all friends together  .

We spend every occasion together like Eid, New Year celebration, Christmas .  We spend the most beautiful time in winter vacation. There was a time when we barely stay at home. Our day was started at 7 in the morning. After the breakfast we went to the street to play badminton . After playing badminton , we played football. Then we all went home to have lunch. After few hours we went to the street to play cricket. Those days were full of energy and fun.  I could never forget those days and the memories with all of them.

Among the nine members , Sakib and Rion are  my best friends. I always feel like, I have some extra connections, some extra bonding with them. I also spend the maximum of time with them . We used to hangout a lot in my house . Recently Sakib went to the US for undergraduation.  It was a very emotional moment for all of us specially for me. Sakib is very a very good friend of mine. But above that , he is also a very nice human being. I can remember few years back, I had a accident and my parents were not in the city. I called Sakib and he was there with me all the time in the hospital till my parents came to home. He also did all the formalities in hospital . I really felt blessed to have a friend like him. So leaving him at the airport was a emotional moment for me. Now we are eight members in our group. We didn't get much time to hangout like we all use to do when we were kids because all of us are studying in university. We all had a tight schedule of classes . But every Thursday and Friday , we all get together and play cricket . These has become a routine of my life. No matter how much busy I am, I tried my best to be their with my childhood friends in every Thursday and Friday. 

 This is my observation that a person can make friend in any age with anyone. But childhood friends are always special . They are more trustable , more likely to understand your situation and more loveable. But by the time goes, often we lose connections with our childhood friends. But this should not be happened . We all should put some effort to stay connected with our childhood friends . Childhood friendship is an example for everbody that how a friend should be in his friendship .


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