Letting the stories Die: A letter To Our Grandparents

Do we really need to let the stories die?

My dear Grandma,

Every time I look at you or any old person in the streets, to me, you smell like nostalgia, and my heart aches as if I am about to lose something huge. I know you are not the history book, yet it feels like you are carrying the whole world's history in your eyes, way of speaking, food & your touch, everything! Well, I have to praise your patience. I cannot imagine waiting a month just to receive a single text! However, you did wait! "When my father died, I got the news after 7 days because the letter was late to deliver. I couldn't see my father for the last time." I can see the sadness in your eyes a hundred times you told me the same story. I also see the awe in your eyes when you talk in video chat with aunts who live overseas. I bet you regret not having these at that time! But don't feel sad you are a time machine, Grandma! You have seen everything, from sending letters and telegrams to button phones, smartphones, and video chats to AI!

You have literally seen it all. When you used to tell me the stories of marrying off daughters at 7-8 years old, I was really shocked. Now I know the revere on your face when you see independent, solid girls everywhere: CEOs, workers, and the family's sole breadwinner. I see how proud you feel when I come home alone at night when you hear I can go from one place to another without any men. But Grandma, you have become too modernized; you don't forget to tease me for not being able to get into med school! But the same you once told me that girls should marry at 15!

Grandma, you know we read many history books, research papers, autobiographies & whatnot. But nothing really compares to listening to the war stories from you! How you saw people leaving their homes during the India-Pakistan division, how you survived the vast storms and cyclones, exactly where you used to hide your money during the liberation war, how your neighbor died by gunfire, how did you flee each and every story is a living gem, believe me, Grandma! And reading books or movies does not even come close to you! 

Grandma, you said we are smart kids because we know much more than you do! We read a lot more than you! But do you know nothing amazes me more than the fairytales you told me at bedtime. The unicorn, prince-princess & the queen still soothe us whenever we get tired of this materialistic life. I always wish to return to the days when you taught letters by drawing on dirt with a stick. Also used the same stick to scare their brothers, who refused to get out of the pond even after spending hours there.

Do you know why I am writing this letter to you? You think we don't miss you or care for you. But trust me, you always felt at home. I refuse to believe that these smells and feelings will become just stories & sweet memories. I want to apologize for not warming up to you when you came to my room and acting busy; I want to apologize for not collecting every moment with you and letting your stories be forgotten and ignored. But why do we only pass on the material assets & things, though? Times have changed, but your life thoughts, regrets, and philosophies remain valuable and meaningful in the language of the universe. But the same universe made us vulnerable, forgetting countless stories around us. We are just letting the stories die. I am sorry, Grandma, I really am! 


Your beloved Granddaughter <3 

These are some random Pictures from village 
Don't Forget to call your Grandparents today!


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